OR News That Matters
Photo: Garrett Vene Klasen
Edna Trager New endeavOR Board Chairman (March 13, 2024)
Elephant Butte, NM — Zia Kayaks owner Edna Trager and current endeavOR New Mexico board member was unanimously elected by the endeavOR board as the new board chairman replacing founding board member/board chairman Dale Davis of 505 Cycles in Farmington. Edna is the former mayor of Elephant Butte and is excited to take the helm of endeavOR to support efforts to expand the OR economy, engage the OR community and enhance the OR experience. Dale Davis will remain on the board of endeavOR.
endeavOR New Mexico Elects Three New Board Members (March 13, 2024)
Farmington, NM — endeavOR New Mexico, the state’s outdoor recreation business alliance, recently elected three new board members to guide the mission to expand New Mexico’s outdoor recreation economy. Newly elected board members include Christy Germsheid - executive director, Ski New Mexico; Tavis Malcolm - owner, Morrison Outdoors; and Matt Gontram - owner, New Mexico River Adventures. These three board members bring substantial experience and expertise to endeavOR related to the New Mexico ski industry, river guiding, and outdoor gear manufacturing. Their board terms will run through 2026.
endeavOR New Mexico Holds 2024 Annual Meeting (March 13, 2024)
Farmington, NM — The 2024 Annual Meeting was held via Zoom at March 13th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Members from around the state were able to network and share updates about their businesses, organizations and communities. New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division (ORD) director Karina Armijo and assistant directory Amy Jones provided update about the state’s outdoor recreation economy and what ORD is doing to assist OR businesses to be more successful. endeavOR vice chairman Davin Lopez provided a look back at 2023 accomplishments; treasurer Ernie Kos provided update on endeavOR finances; and newly elected board chairman Edna Trager shared an update on endeavOR 2024 future direction. Parting endeavOR founders/co-directors James Glover and Marianne Tenenbaum thanks the board and members for the opportunity to serve as did departing board chairman Dale Davis.
Outdoor Equity Fund Ambassador Pledge (April 13, 2022)
Santa Fe, NM — endeavOR New Mexico is proud to support the New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division Outdoor Equity Fund Ambassador Program and Pledge. This will be a great opportunity for outdoor recreation businesses to support this grant program to get many more underserved New Mexican youth outdoors.
City of Farmington/ORII, New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division, WESST and LANL Secure endeavOR Sponsorships: (June 29, 2021)
Farmington, NM — endeavOR is proud to announce that the Alliance now has four sponsors supporting our efforts to strengthen New Mexico’s OR economy. The City of Farmington and its Outdoor Recreation Industry Initiative (ORII) have joined as Bear sponsors; New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division has secured Elk sponsorship; and WESST and Los Alamos National Laboratory are now Jack Rabbit sponsors. A big thank you to these sponsors for supporting the vision and mission of endeavOR.
Learn More about endeavOR Sponsorship
REI Foundation Awards endeavOR New Mexico Grant to Support the Alliance: (June 24, 2021)
Farmington, NM — REI Co-op and the REI Foundation invited endeavOR New Mexico to apply for their grant to support the work of the Alliance. endeavOR completed the application and was notified by REI that a $5,000 grant has been awarded. We thank REI for valuing the vision and mission of endeavOR and High Plains Development Corporation for becoming our fiscal sponsor.
Outdoor Economy Contributed $2.4B to 2019 NM GDP (November 11, 2020)
Santa Fe, NM — Today, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data on the size and scope of the outdoor recreation industry in the U.S. and in New Mexico. In New Mexico, the updated data show that the outdoor economy contributed $2.4 billion to the state's GDP in 2019 (2.2% of GDP). According to the report, 35,065 people were employed in this sector, with $1.2 billion in total income. At the national level, the data shows that the outdoor recreation economy accounted for 2.1 percent ($459.8 billion) of U.S. GDP in 2019.
endeavOR New Mexico surpasses 50 members (September 18, 2020)
Non-profit ‘endeavOR New Mexico’ designed to support outdoor recreation industry (September 16, 2020)
Albuquerque, NM — Thanks to KRQE TV reporter Jami Seymore for the informative news segment about the launch of endeavOR New Mexico
New group aims to build New Mexico outdoor recreation industry (September 1, 2020)
Santa Fe, N.M. — A really nice story from the Santa Fe New Mexican about New Mexico’s outdoor recreation economy and the tie between endeavOR New Mexico and the New Mexico Outdoor Recreation Division
New Mexico Launches Outdoor Recreation Business Alliance (August 31, 2020)
Scottsdale, AZ — Big thank you to Inside Outdoor Magazine for sharing the launch of endeavOR with their 14,000 outdoor recreation industry professionals.
An On-Air Chat with James Glover, Co-Director of endeavOR New Mexico (August 30 2020)
Santa Fe, N.M. — Richard Eeds, host of Experience New Mexico on KRTC 1260 AM, caught up with endeavOR Co-Director to discuss endeavOR New Mexico .
Experience New Mexico with Richard Eeds
Boost in outdoor recreation is group’s aim (August 21, 2020)
Albuquerque, N.M. — Outdoor lover and Albuquerque Journal reporter Glen Rosales kicked off the first story about the endeavOR New Mexico launch.
A new businesses alliance called endeavOR New Mexico aims to promote outdoor recreation (August 24, 2020)
FARMINGTON, N.M. — A nice story about endeavOR New Mexico launch from the Farmington Daily Times and reporter Hannah Grover.